Extended Team

A business practice that involves hiring external professionals or a third-party company to provide specific services or expertise to support a company's operations or projects.

It is a flexible approach that allows businesses to quickly scale their capabilities without the long-term commitment and administrative overhead associated with hiring full-time employees. Staff augmentation is often used in the context of IT, software development, and other technical fields, but it can be applied to various industries.

Differences Between Outstaffing and Outsourcing

Feature Outstaffing Outsourcing
Definition Hiring remote employees who work exclusively for your company, but are legally employed by a third-party provider. Contracting out specific tasks or processes to external service providers or companies.
Control & Management You have direct control over the hired staff, managing their tasks, schedules, and workflow. Service provider manages the tasks and workflow, and you have less direct control over the hired staff.
Employment Relationship The outstaffed employees are considered part of your team, with your company responsible for their management. No direct employment relationship with the individuals performing the outsourced tasks; they are employees of the outsourcing provider.
Work Location Usually, outstaffed employees work remotely or in a location of your choice. Work is often done at the service provider’s location, which may be offshore or onshore.
Flexibility Offers greater flexibility in scaling the team size or adjusting tasks based on your needs. Provides flexibility in terms of the tasks or processes that can be outsourced, but may have less flexibility in team size.
Risk & Responsibility Your company assumes more responsibility for managing and overseeing the work of the outstaffed team. The outsourcing provider assumes responsibility for delivering the agreed-upon services, managing their team, and meeting deadlines.
Communication Direct communication with the outstaffed team is typically easier and more immediate. Communication is often mediated through the outsourcing provider, which can sometimes lead to communication challenges.
Cost Structure Generally, a more transparent cost structure, with the ability to manage costs more directly. Costs may be bundled and less transparent, including various service fees, making it potentially harder to manage expenses.

Software Development Life Cycle

Why Choose Fordewind.io for Outstaffing


Our outstaffing teams consist of skilled professionals with proven expertise in IoT and related technologies.


We offer scalable solutions to accommodate the changing needs of your projects.


Your input is integral to the selection process, ensuring a team that aligns with your vision and objectives.

The Difference Between Outsource And Insource

Aspect Outsourcing Insourcing
Cost Savings
Focus on Core Tasks
Access to Expertise
Risk Sharing
Communication Challenges
Global Presence
Time to Market
Focus on Innovation

Mobile App Development

The process involves creating software applications for smartphones and tablets, offering a wide range of functionalities to cater to diverse user needs.

Embedded Development

Involves designing and programming computer systems integrated into hardware, powering devices like IoT sensors etc.

Cloud Development

The process of building and managing software in cloud-based environments, enabling efficient, scalable, etc.


A business practice in which an organization contracts out certain tasks, processes, or functions to external service providers or companies.


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19 Koval's'kyi Lane, Kyiv, Ukraine




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Mokotów, Warsaw, Poland




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W Georgia St, Vancouver, Canada




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Kaupmehe 7-120, Kesklinna, Tallinn, Harju 10114, Estonia
