Top IoT Healthcare trends in 2024: future of IoMT

The healthcare industry is going through a transformational phase with the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT). By connecting devices and sensors to collect and analyze patient data, healthcare providers can offer a more personalized and proactive approach to care. Here are some of the key healthcare IoT trends that we should keep a lookout for in 2024: 

  1. Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM): This trend is driving major advancements, allowing healthcare providers to track vital signs, chronic conditions, and medication adherence outside of traditional healthcare settings. With non-invasive wearable sensors that measure everything from blood pressure to glucose levels, connected medical devices like pacemakers and blood sugar monitors, and AI-powered analytics that analyze collected data to predict potential health risks, we can ensure more timely interventions.
  2. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML): AI is driving innovation in various areas like personalized medicine, medical imaging analysis, and virtual assistants. With AI algorithms analyzing individual patient data to recommend tailored treatments, faster and more accurate diagnoses, and chatbots answering patient questions, scheduling appointments, and providing basic health advice, we can ensure a more humanized approach to care. 
  3. Hospital Asset Tracking: IoT sensors track valuable equipment, medications, and other assets within hospitals, improving efficiency, reducing loss, and optimizing resource allocation. By utilizing real-time location tracking technologies like RFID, BLE, and UWB, we can ensure a more seamless and stress-free healthcare experience. 
  4. Smart Hospitals: Integrating IoT devices and sensors throughout hospitals creates intelligent environments that optimize energy usage, improve patient safety and comfort, streamline workflows, and enhance overall operational efficiency. By ensuring a smart and safe environment, we can ensure a more empathetic approach to care. 
  5. IoMT for Chronic Disease Management: Implantable and wearable devices empower patients with chronic conditions like diabetes or heart disease to actively monitor their health, improve self-management, and communicate with healthcare providers remotely. By empowering patients to take charge of their health, we can ensure a more compassionate approach to care. 
  6. Focus on Mental Health: The increasing awareness of mental health concerns is leading to innovative IoT solutions like brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) that monitor brain activity for potential treatment of mental health conditions, wearable stress trackers that monitor physiological responses to stress and provide personalized management tools, and virtual reality therapy for anxiety, phobias, and other mental health challenges. By prioritizing mental health, we can ensure a more empathetic and holistic approach to care. 

These healthcare IoT trends highlight the evolving nature of healthcare and its potential to enhance patient care, improve healthcare delivery, and empower individuals to manage their health more effectively. By embracing these trends, we can ensure a more empathetic and humanized approach to care, where patients feel heard, valued, and cared for. is an IoT engineering and development company based in Kyiv, Ukraine. Our main areas of interest and expertise are the automotive industry and Smart Home/City projects. Contact us right now without a doubt and learn more about how we can help you build the future.